MCQ Maker Multiple Choice Test app for iPhone and iPad
A Simple App
That makes Students life easier
Are you practicing multiple choice questions from your textbook or from a previous year paper and are fed up of tallying answers after completing the MCQs?
MCQ Test Creator can make your textboook MCQs interactive. So that you can have fun doing MCQs and practice them over and over without worrying about tallying your answers after completing the test.
If you are preparing for a test or exam and want to practice multiple choice questions then you must have MCQ Test Creator app.
How do I create an MCQ test?
1. Take a picture of the MCQ
2. Place checkboxes on options
3. Choose the correct answer
4. Save and you are Done!
You can share your MCQs with your friends or import MCQs made by your friends.
Practice questions and crack your test.
Good Luck!